Dr. Talia Aharoni
Talia Aharoni holds a PhD. in Practices and Theories from Paris 8 University. Her doctorate thesis, titled “Glocalization of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Development and Characterization of CSR in Israel”, was based on her experience as the founder of Maala – Business for Social Responsibility in Israel. Aharoni is an adjunct professor for CSR at The Recanatti School of Business, Tel-Aviv University, and COLMAN – College of Management; and an invited lecturer on CSR issues to a variety of academic institutions and conferences, both local and global. Aharoni’s present and past public engagements include: Trustee of the Wolf Foundation; Board member of: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel; Yedid – Association for Community Empowerment; Midot – Ranking and Analyzing NPO. Former member of: The Prime Minister’s cross partnership table; The GRI Stakeholders Council 2007-2013; MENA Network Global Compact 2007-2010; The Israeli committee for the ISO 26000; CSR Leaders Network. Served on the Board of Investec Bank Israel 1999-2004; Special advisor to Israel Minister of Finance 1997-1998.