Leo Sachs
Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1980
Leo Sachs
Affiliation at the time of the award:
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Award citation:
“for their contributions to knowledge of the function and disfunction of the body cells through their studies on the immunological role of the lymphocytes, the development of specific antibodies and the elucidation of mechanisms governing the control and differentiation of normal and cancer cells”.
Prize share:
Leo Sachs
Sir James L. Gowans
César Milstein
Professor Leo Sachs is one of the leading pioneers in cancer research and cell biology. He has made original and pioneer contributions to elucidating the control of growth and differentiation in normal and cancer cells. His pioneering achievements in the use of cells in culture, to study the differentiation of normal and malignant white blood cells and the change of normal into cancer cells by chemicals, x-irradiation and DNA viruses, have opened completely new approaches to research in this field. Professor Sachs has trained many students and founded new schools of biology in Israel and abroad.