Kenneth Blaxter
Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculture 1979
Sir Kenneth Blaxter
Affiliation at the time of the award:
Rowett Research Institute, United Kingdom
Award citation:
“for his fundamental contributions to the science and practice of ruminant nutrition and livestock production”.
Prize share:
Sir Kenneth Blaxter
Jay L. Lush
Sir Kenneth Blaxter has spent virtually the whole of his career in the British Agricultural Research Service. Nevertheless, he has disseminated his discoveries and ideas through the media of international conferences, farming meetings and via the many visiting scientists who have worked with him at his research institutes. He is particularly distinguished for the precise and detailed studies he has made on the energy requirements of ruminants and the ways once the necessary energy has been supplied to the diet, that it is utilized in the animal’s metabolism. This has lead to a new understanding, both of the nutritional needs of the animal and of the most effective ways in which the diet may be made up and varied, and utilized most efficiently by the ruminant to produce more meat, milk or both. Thus the farmer can now control this aspect of the animal’s environment with far greater efficiency to give a higher yield at the most economical price.
His approach and practical proposals have been widely adopted throughout the world and, because he has enunciated the fundamental principles so clearly, it has proved possible to adapt or modify them to a diversity of farming systems.